Tuesday, April 2, 2013

African Violet Day And Still Life Videos By Jeff Legg and Daniel Keys

Salmon Ella African Violet

My photograph above of the "Salmon Ella" African Violet  is very true to the actual and unusual color of this particular plant.   It is one of my favorites in my collection of African Violets.   I intend to paint this flower on canvas one of these days.   Why am I posting photos of my African Violets?   Because they kept me from painting today!   It was long past due to re-pot them, so that occupied a good part of my day today (Monday).   For months I kept telling myself, "I'll paint first today and re-pot the violets later".   You artists know how it is.   Below are a couple of other photos showing some of what I was occupied with today.   Below that are 2 videos of 2 excellent demos of still life painting; one by artist Jeff Legg and the other by Daniel Keys.

Maverick Faded Jeans 
(an oldie and goody)

A couple of my Sinningia plants that also got re-potted today, shown on my plant stand.
(Love that true orange color)

Enjoy the 2 short clips of painting videos below.  Back to the easel for me tomorrow!