Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chickadees and Titmouse Art Prints

Chickadees With Crepe Myrtle

Titmouse Amongst The Roses

I have a limited inventory of these photographic art prints available for sale for $10 each.  The image of each print is approximately  5"x7" and may be matted and framed under glass to fit an 8"x10" frame or larger.  They will be shipped free but unmatted and unframed within the USA.  Outside the USA I believe $8.00 will be sufficient to cover shipping and handling.

The original 8"x10" oil paintings have been sold.  I painted these delightful birds when I lived on the USA mainland and observed them at my several bird feeders outside my studio window.  I miss these sweet little fellows as they do not live in the Hawaiian islands.

Studio   808.358.6340

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Shark's Cove
8"x10" acrylic on canvas

Bea Endert of California was the winner of this painting in the June 1 drawing !   She has received the painting and is very happy! That makes me happy too!   I first posted information about this painting and the drawing on the May 12 post on this blog if you would like to scroll down for more information. 
I really miss painting at my easel, but I have been doing other art related things and reading some important books I have had but never got around to reading because I was always painting constantly!

Will post some miniature prints of my paintings that are for sale in the next day or two so please check back with me.   Mahalo!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Harbor In Paradise

6"x6" Acrylic on Raymar panel

This harbor is near Ala Moana beach park in Honolulu.  I painted it pretty true to the reference photo I had taken a couple of months ago.   It was also painted right before I broke my right elbow on June 3 .  Since my right arm is of course still in a cast, I cannot hold a camera properly to photograph my paintings so I scanned the original painting on my printer to be able to post it here.  I personally believe the camera is more true than the scan on the printer, but wanted to share this painting with you and let you know I am looking forward to when I will be able to paint again in a few weeks.  Typing with my left hand index finger is slow going as well, so will be grateful when I can type normally again. 

Thank you for stopping by and please visit again soon.    It will be August before I can begin painting again, but I will be posting any news and photos before then.

Please feel free to comment and to inquire about purchasing this or another painting.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Hello and greetings from paradise!   I will not be able to paint for a few weeks due to the fact that  I broke my right elbow.. and I am right handed.    I will post what I can in the meantime, but will not be
 able to paint again until August.

Appreciate all your support and have a nice summer!

Carol Reynolds

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Study # 3, Holei Sea Arch

6" x 8" Acrylic on panel

Holei sea arch is quite impressive and is over 90 feet tall.   Most sea arches are formed by erosion from the ocean, but Holei sea arch was formed by the creation of new land from lava flows.    More information about this sea arch may be found here 

It was such a joy to paint another seascape and to celebrate I began two new miniature seascapes yesterday!   They are not scenes from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park  like this painting of Holei sea arch.  I may paint more scenes from that park in the future, but now I  feel a need to pursue something different for a change.   This artist thrives on variety !

Studio  808.536.0650

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Study # 2

6" x 8" Acrylic on panel

This is not your usual "postcard" type pretty scene typically shown of Hawaii.   It is a part of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park that has hardened lava and is more like a desert, due to the acid rain from the frequent volcanic eruptions.   I found this area very interesting and unique and wanted to capture on canvas  something a little out of the ordinary for me as an artist and to expose the viewer to a glimpse of Hawaii few expect to see in a tropical island.   Actually, the Big Island of Hawaii where Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is located, has a mix of habitats in seven ecological life zones from seacoast to rain forest and so on to upland forest and alpine.  

Please contact me if you are interested in this or another painting.  Your comments are always welcome.

Studio   808.536.0650

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Study # 1

6" x 8" Acrylic on Panel

This scene is an area in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park that has less vegetation than other sections, but I rather enjoyed the subtle colors and the unique arching tree in the foreground.   The painting turned out to have a slight impressionistic bent, which was not planned but which seems to suit this landscape.  To my disappointment, when I made the visit to this park, the Kilauea volcano was not erupting at that time.   The closest I have come to viewing the eruptions is on the TV news !   For viewing the eruptions , you may watch webcams here

I have also begun two more miniature paintings inspired by my visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and will post them here very soon .   These studies are for reference for  future larger major works.  

Studio  808.536.0650