Lesser Flamingo
Photo by Carol Reynolds
This lesser flamingo photo rather shows how I have been feeling lately; I was going strong with my painting and then my back went outta whack! Stay tuned for more paintings soon. I will attempt to paint tomorrow; I am almost finished with one landscape and have another one off to a good start.
Speaking of landscape paintings, on Matthew Innis' blog he has an informative article about an excellent young artist, Dan Schultz, which shows a step-by-step procedure of a painting in progress to its completion, as well as other works by this artist now residing in Ojai , California. I am always curious about what colors other artists use, and the article gives Schultz's palette as well. I personally should use a more limited palette, but I positively love color and enjoy trying various new colors from time to time so I have a wide assortment to chose from. Check out www.danschultzfineart.com